BRPROBE (1.0) parameter echoing -- host:, numPackets: 10 size depart arrive 124 0 0 124 0 0 124 0 0 124 0 0 124 0 0 124 0 0 124 0 0 124 0 0 124 0 0 124 0 0 incoming codes: 0, ReturnNumPaths: 0 RPR (1.2) Wed Oct 15 17:49:13 1997 ( Intervals between sends (us): 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 receiving...0..1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9.outgoing codes: 3, ReturnNumPaths: 1 * 124 11916 110321 124 12051 137023 124 12153 181377 124 12258 194948 124 12363 224337 124 12466 260072 124 12570 297149 124 12673 348514 124 12777 368886 124 12880 383930 SEQOK RR gaps[0] = 26702 135 gaps[1] = 44354 102 gaps[2] = 13571 105 gaps[3] = 29389 105 gaps[4] = 35735 103 gaps[5] = 37077 104 gaps[6] = 51365 103 gaps[7] = 20372 104 gaps[8] = 15044 103 sorting 9 gaps gaps[0] = 26702 13571 gaps[1] = 44354 15044 gaps[2] = 13571 20372 gaps[3] = 29389 26702 gaps[4] = 35735 29389 gaps[5] = 37077 35735 gaps[6] = 51365 37077 gaps[7] = 20372 44354 gaps[8] = 15044 51365 Size DelArr DelDep Diff Ratio BW EST 124 13571 105 13466 129.25 1.2144e+05 124 15044 103 14941 146.06 1.0955e+05 124 20372 104 20268 195.88 8.0895e+04 124 26702 135 26567 197.79 6.1718e+04 124 29389 105 29284 279.90 5.6075e+04 124 35735 103 35632 346.94 4.6117e+04 124 37077 104 36973 356.51 4.4448e+04 124 44354 102 44252 434.84 3.7156e+04 124 51365 103 51262 498.69 3.2084e+04 minGap: 13571.00, maxGap: 51365.00, gapRange: 37794.00 medianGap: 29389.000000 bin[0] : 1 bin[4] : 1 bin[18] : 1 bin[35] : 1 bin[42] : 1 bin[59] : 1 bin[62] : 1 bin[81] : 1 bin[100] : 1 full bins: 9 occupied bin[0] : 0 occupied bin[1] : 4 occupied bin[2] : 18 occupied bin[3] : 35 occupied bin[4] : 42 occupied bin[5] : 59 occupied bin[6] : 62 occupied bin[7] : 81 occupied bin[8] : 100 too many bins, another round bin[0] : 1 bin[2] : 1 bin[9] : 1 bin[17] : 1 bin[21] : 1 bin[29] : 1 bin[31] : 1 bin[41] : 1 bin[50] : 1 full bins: 9 occupied bin[0] : 0 occupied bin[1] : 2 occupied bin[2] : 9 occupied bin[3] : 17 occupied bin[4] : 21 occupied bin[5] : 29 occupied bin[6] : 31 occupied bin[7] : 41 occupied bin[8] : 50 too many bins, another round bin[0] : 1 bin[1] : 1 bin[4] : 1 bin[9] : 1 bin[10] : 1 bin[15] : 1 bin[16] : 1 bin[20] : 1 bin[25] : 1 full bins: 9 occupied bin[0] : 0 occupied bin[1] : 1 occupied bin[2] : 4 occupied bin[3] : 9 occupied bin[4] : 10 occupied bin[5] : 15 occupied bin[6] : 16 occupied bin[7] : 20 occupied bin[8] : 25 too many bins, another round bin[0] : 2 bin[2] : 1 bin[4] : 1 bin[5] : 1 bin[7] : 1 bin[8] : 1 bin[10] : 1 bin[12] : 1 full bins: 8 occupied bin[0] : 0 occupied bin[1] : 2 occupied bin[2] : 4 occupied bin[3] : 5 occupied bin[4] : 7 occupied bin[5] : 8 occupied bin[6] : 10 occupied bin[7] : 12 too many bins, another round bin[0] : 2 bin[1] : 1 bin[2] : 1 bin[3] : 1 bin[4] : 2 bin[5] : 1 bin[6] : 1 full bins: 7 occupied bin[0] : 0 occupied bin[1] : 1 occupied bin[2] : 2 occupied bin[3] : 3 occupied bin[4] : 4 occupied bin[5] : 5 occupied bin[6] : 6 parameter echoing -- host:, numPackets: 10 size depart arrive 186 11916 110321 186 12051 137023 186 12153 181377 186 12258 194948 186 12363 224337 186 12466 260072 186 12570 297149 186 12673 348514 186 12777 368886 186 12880 383930 incoming codes: 3, ReturnNumPaths: 1 RPR (1.2) Wed Oct 15 17:49:14 1997 ( Intervals between sends (us): 13 14 14 13 14 14 14 14 14 receiving...0..1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9.outgoing codes: 3, ReturnNumPaths: 0 * 186 5799 127201 186 5902 162684 186 6007 210903 186 6118 238149 186 6228 305206 186 6338 318804 186 6446 392385 186 6556 397004 186 6665 449787 186 6775 497591 SEQOK RR gaps[0] = 35483 103 gaps[1] = 48219 105 gaps[2] = 27246 111 gaps[3] = 67057 110 gaps[4] = 13598 110 gaps[5] = 73581 108 gaps[6] = 4619 110 gaps[7] = 52783 109 gaps[8] = 47804 110 sorting 9 gaps gaps[0] = 35483 4619 gaps[1] = 48219 13598 gaps[2] = 27246 27246 gaps[3] = 67057 35483 gaps[4] = 13598 47804 gaps[5] = 73581 48219 gaps[6] = 4619 52783 gaps[7] = 52783 67057 gaps[8] = 47804 73581 Size DelArr DelDep Diff Ratio BW EST 186 4619 110 4509 41.99 4.6417e+05 186 13598 110 13488 123.62 1.5767e+05 186 27246 111 27135 245.46 7.8690e+04 186 35483 103 35380 344.50 6.0423e+04 186 47804 110 47694 434.58 4.4850e+04 186 48219 105 48114 459.23 4.4464e+04 186 52783 109 52674 484.25 4.0619e+04 186 67057 110 66947 609.61 3.1973e+04 186 73581 108 73473 681.31 2.9138e+04 minGap: 4619.00, maxGap: 73581.00, gapRange: 68962.00 medianGap: 47804.000000 bin[0] : 1 bin[13] : 1 bin[33] : 1 bin[45] : 1 bin[63] : 2 bin[70] : 1 bin[91] : 1 bin[100] : 1 full bins: 8 occupied bin[0] : 0 occupied bin[1] : 13 occupied bin[2] : 33 occupied bin[3] : 45 occupied bin[4] : 63 occupied bin[5] : 70 occupied bin[6] : 91 occupied bin[7] : 100 too many bins, another round bin[0] : 1 bin[7] : 1 bin[16] : 1 bin[22] : 1 bin[31] : 1 bin[32] : 1 bin[35] : 1 bin[45] : 1 bin[50] : 1 full bins: 9 occupied bin[0] : 0 occupied bin[1] : 7 occupied bin[2] : 16 occupied bin[3] : 22 occupied bin[4] : 31 occupied bin[5] : 32 occupied bin[6] : 35 occupied bin[7] : 45 occupied bin[8] : 50 too many bins, another round bin[0] : 1 bin[3] : 1 bin[8] : 1 bin[11] : 1 bin[16] : 2 bin[17] : 1 bin[23] : 1 bin[25] : 1 full bins: 8 occupied bin[0] : 0 occupied bin[1] : 3 occupied bin[2] : 8 occupied bin[3] : 11 occupied bin[4] : 16 occupied bin[5] : 17 occupied bin[6] : 23 occupied bin[7] : 25 too many bins, another round bin[0] : 1 bin[2] : 1 bin[4] : 1 bin[6] : 1 bin[8] : 2 bin[9] : 1 bin[11] : 1 bin[13] : 1 full bins: 8 occupied bin[0] : 0 occupied bin[1] : 2 occupied bin[2] : 4 occupied bin[3] : 6 occupied bin[4] : 8 occupied bin[5] : 9 occupied bin[6] : 11 occupied bin[7] : 13 too many bins, another round bin[0] : 1 bin[1] : 1 bin[2] : 1 bin[3] : 1 bin[4] : 3 bin[6] : 2 full bins: 6 occupied bin[0] : 0 occupied bin[1] : 1 occupied bin[2] : 2 occupied bin[3] : 3 occupied bin[4] : 4 occupied bin[5] : 6 parameter echoing -- host:, numPackets: 10 size depart arrive 466 5799 127201 466 5902 162684 466 6007 210903 466 6118 238149 466 6228 305206 466 6338 318804 466 6446 392385 466 6556 397004 466 6665 449787 466 6775 497591 incoming codes: 3, ReturnNumPaths: 0 RPR (1.2) Wed Oct 15 17:49:14 1997 ( Intervals between sends (us): 24 25 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 receiving...0..1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9.outgoing codes: 3, ReturnNumPaths: 0 * 466 11072 224402 466 11200 301080 466 11323 380504 466 11451 455207 466 11578 539498 466 11706 615549 466 11833 753186 466 11960 827018 466 12087 873667 466 12214 953470 SEQOK RR gaps[0] = 76678 128 gaps[1] = 79424 123 gaps[2] = 74703 128 gaps[3] = 84291 127 gaps[4] = 76051 128 gaps[5] = 137637 127 gaps[6] = 73832 127 gaps[7] = 46649 127 gaps[8] = 79803 127 sorting 9 gaps gaps[0] = 76678 46649 gaps[1] = 79424 73832 gaps[2] = 74703 74703 gaps[3] = 84291 76051 gaps[4] = 76051 76678 gaps[5] = 137637 79424 gaps[6] = 73832 79803 gaps[7] = 46649 84291 gaps[8] = 79803 137637 Size DelArr DelDep Diff Ratio BW EST 466 46649 127 46522 367.31 9.3978e+04 466 73832 127 73705 581.35 5.9378e+04 466 74703 128 74575 583.62 5.8686e+04 466 76051 128 75923 594.15 5.7646e+04 466 76678 128 76550 599.05 5.7174e+04 466 79424 123 79301 645.72 5.5197e+04 466 79803 127 79676 628.37 5.4935e+04 466 84291 127 84164 663.71 5.2010e+04 466 137637 127 137510 1083.76 3.1852e+04 minGap: 46649.00, maxGap: 137637.00, gapRange: 90988.00 medianGap: 76678.000000 bin[0] : 1 bin[30] : 1 bin[31] : 1 bin[32] : 1 bin[33] : 1 bin[36] : 2 bin[41] : 1 bin[100] : 1 full bins: 8 occupied bin[0] : 0 occupied bin[1] : 30 occupied bin[2] : 31 occupied bin[3] : 32 occupied bin[4] : 33 occupied bin[5] : 36 occupied bin[6] : 41 occupied bin[7] : 100 too many bins, another round bin[0] : 1 bin[15] : 2 bin[16] : 1 bin[17] : 1 bin[18] : 2 bin[21] : 1 bin[50] : 1 full bins: 7 occupied bin[0] : 0 occupied bin[1] : 15 occupied bin[2] : 16 occupied bin[3] : 17 occupied bin[4] : 18 occupied bin[5] : 21 occupied bin[6] : 50 papied bin[2] : 6 occupied bin[3] : 24 occupied bin[4] : 29 occupied bin[5] : 100 parameter echoing -- host: quandary, numPackets: 10 size depart arrive 1750 189601 709458 1750 190049 879394 1750 190369 1029397 1750 190682 1119469 1750 190996 1199450 1750 191333 1279420 1750 191628 1359419 1750 191683 1429425 1750 191750 1509424 1750 191812 1919414 incoming codes: 3, ReturnNumPaths: 0 RPR (1.2) Wed Oct 15 12:17:18 1997 ( Intervals between sends (us): 40 40 39 38 39 39 39 39 39 receiving..Destination Port Unreachable Vr HL TOS Len ID Flg off TTL Pro cks Src Dst Data 4 5 00 18176 143f 0 0000 64 17 6fe1 UDP: from port 1774, to port 53 (decimal) Timeout exceeded. outgoing codes: 2, ReturnNumPaths: 0 * 1750 180449 -1 1750 181351 -1 1750 182071 -1 1750 182300 -1 1750 182412 -1 1750 182535 -1 1750 182648 -1 1750 182769 -1 1750 182882 -1 1750 183009 -1 SEQOK NORR not enough valid gaps (0), going on to next iteration parameter echoing -- host: quandary, numPackets: 10 size depart arrive 2626 180449 -1 2626 181351 -1 2626 182071 -1 2626 182300 -1 2626 182412 -1 2626 182535 -1 2626 182648 -1 2626 182769 -1 2626 182882 -1 2626 183009 -1 incoming codes: 2, ReturnNumPaths: 0 RPR (1.2) Wed Oct 15 12:17:50 1997 ( Intervals between sends (us): 58 57 57 56 56 56 56 56 56 receiving..Destination Port Unreachable Vr HL TOS Len ID Flg off TTL Pro cks Src Dst Data 4 5 00 18176 a43f 0 0000 64 17 dfe0 UDP: from port 1784, to port 53 (decimal) Timeout exceeded. outgoing codes: 2, ReturnNumPaths: 0 * 2626 180460 -1 2626 181720 -1 2626 182705 -1 2626 182837 -1 2626 182985 -1 2626 183133 -1 2626 183281 -1 2626 183429 -1 2626 183578 -1 2626 183713 -1 SEQOK NORR not enough valid gaps (0), going on to next iteration parameter echoing -- host: quandary, numPackets: 10 size depart arrive 6566 180460 -1 6566 181720 -1 6566 182705 -1 6566 182837 -1 6566 182985 -1 6566 183133 -1 6566 183281 -1 6566 183429 -1 6566 183578 -1 6566 183713 -1 incoming codes: 2, ReturnNumPaths: 0 RPR (1.2) Wed Oct 15 12:18:23 1997 ( Intervals between sends (us): 138 137 137 168 136 135 169 135 179 receiving..Destination Port Unreachable Vr HL TOS Len ID Flg off TTL Pro cks Src Dst Data 4 5 00 18176 2b40 0 0000 64 17 58e0 UDP: from port 1794, to port 53 (decimal) Timeout exceeded. outgoing codes: 2, ReturnNumPaths: 0 * 6566 540106 -1 6566 542333 -1 6566 542665 -1 6566 543025 -1 6566 543348 -1 6566 543635 -1 6566 543916 -1 6566 544229 -1 6566 544512 -1 6566 544836 -1 SEQOK NORR not enough valid gaps (0), going on to next iteration **** ROW 3 **** SIZE 700 size 700 stored in SET 0 **** ROW 2 **** SIZE 466 size 466 stored in SET 1 **** ROW 1 **** SIZE 186 size 186 stored in SET 2 **** ROW 0 **** SIZE 124 size 124 stored in SET 3 after set creation from bandwidths rows = 4 set[0] : size 700 set [134678688] has 9 elements logme ( 1.526e+04, 1.526e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134678688 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134678704}134678688 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 3.681e+04, 3.681e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134678688 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134689584}134678688 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 4.171e+04, 4.171e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134678688 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134689648}134678688 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 6.946e+04, 6.946e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134678688 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134689712}134678688 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 7.82e+04, 7.82e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134678688 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134689776}134678688 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 7.82e+04, 7.82e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134678688 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134689840}134678688 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 7.822e+04, 7.822e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134678688 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134689904}134678688 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 7.823e+04, 7.823e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134678688 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134689968}134678688 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 8.936e+04, 8.936e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134678688 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134690032}134678688 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived set[1] : size 466 set [134690048] has 9 elements logme ( 3.656e+04, 3.656e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134690048 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134690112}134690048 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 4.382e+04, 4.382e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134690048 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134690176}134690048 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 4.385e+04, 4.385e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134690048 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134690240}134690048 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 4.871e+04, 4.871e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134690048 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134690304}134690048 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.475e+04, 5.475e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134690048 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134690368}134690048 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 6.26e+04, 6.26e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134690048 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134690432}134690048 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 7.311e+04, 7.311e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134690048 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134690496}134690048 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 7.312e+04, 7.312e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134690048 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134690560}134690048 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 8.767e+04, 8.767e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134690048 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134690624}134690048 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived set[2] : size 186 set [134690640] has 9 elements logme ( 3.564e+04, 3.564e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134690640 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134690704}134690640 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 4.293e+04, 4.293e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134690640 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134690768}134690640 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.356e+04, 5.356e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134690640 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134690832}134690640 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.36e+04, 5.36e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134690640 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134690896}134690640 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.361e+04, 5.361e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134690640 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134690960}134690640 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.361e+04, 5.361e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134690640 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134691024}134690640 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.375e+04, 5.375e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134690640 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134691088}134690640 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 7.142e+04, 7.142e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134690640 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134691152}134690640 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 7.149e+04, 7.149e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134690640 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134691216}134690640 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived set[3] : size 124 set [134691232] has 9 elements logme ( 4846, 4846 [1 <0>]) setID: 134691232 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134691296}134691232 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 2.746e+04, 2.746e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134691232 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134691360}134691232 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 4.117e+04, 4.117e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134691232 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134691424}134691232 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 4.12e+04, 4.12e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134691232 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134691488}134691232 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 4.122e+04, 4.122e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134691232 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134691552}134691232 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 4.123e+04, 4.123e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134691232 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134691616}134691232 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 4.123e+04, 4.123e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134691232 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134691680}134691232 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.496e+04, 5.496e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134691232 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134691744}134691232 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 8.216e+04, 8.216e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134691232 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134691808}134691232 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived Success. One peak found in 47 iterations logmeset [134692480] has 1 elements logme ( 5.306e+04, 5.547e+04 [7 <7>]) setID: 134693360 3 sets :SetIDList: [{134690976}134691232 : BASE] [{134692432}134690640 : BASE] [{134692448}134690048 : BASE] [{134692464}0 : UNK] 3 base, 0 derived **Merged Sets: 4 barf[0][0] (82157.6328, 114.0000, 124.0000)->REJECTED barf[0][1] (54955.3164, 115.0000, 124.0000)->REJECTED barf[0][2] (41231.9531, 114.0000, 124.0000)->accepted barf[0][3] (41230.9219, 116.0000, 124.0000)->accepted barf[0][4] (41217.5156, 113.0000, 124.0000)->accepted barf[0][5] (41198.9688, 114.0000, 124.0000)->accepted barf[0][6] (41165.0078, 122.0000, 124.0000)->accepted barf[0][7] (27463.4629, 217.0000, 124.0000)->accepted barf[0][8] ( 4846.1606, 114.0000, 124.0000)->accepted barf[0][9] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED barf[1][0] (71492.8828, 154.0000, 186.0000)->REJECTED barf[1][1] (71421.4297, 156.0000, 186.0000)->REJECTED barf[1][2] (53747.8047, 159.0000, 186.0000)->accepted barf[1][3] (53614.7422, 159.0000, 186.0000)->accepted barf[1][4] (53613.4023, 154.0000, 186.0000)->accepted barf[1][5] (53604.0195, 156.0000, 186.0000)->accepted barf[1][6] (53561.1680, 157.0000, 186.0000)->accepted barf[1][7] (42934.9570, 156.0000, 186.0000)->accepted barf[1][8] (35635.9297, 269.0000, 186.0000)->accepted barf[1][9] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED barf[2][0] (87665.9766, 226.0000, 466.0000)->REJECTED barf[2][1] (73116.6328, 270.0000, 466.0000)->REJECTED barf[2][2] (73110.5312, 237.0000, 466.0000)->REJECTED barf[2][3] (62604.4258, 50.0000, 466.0000)->REJECTED barf[2][4] (54754.8281, 260.0000, 466.0000)->REJECTED barf[2][5] (48710.0273, 244.0000, 466.0000)->accepted barf[2][6] (43851.4023, 238.0000, 466.0000)->accepted barf[2][7] (43823.3477, 245.0000, 466.0000)->accepted barf[2][8] (36555.2656, 363.0000, 466.0000)->accepted barf[2][9] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED barf[3][0] (89363.7656, 55.0000, 700.0000)->REJECTED barf[3][1] (78229.3359, 337.0000, 700.0000)->REJECTED barf[3][2] (78218.5781, 314.0000, 700.0000)->REJECTED barf[3][3] (78200.9766, 67.0000, 700.0000)->REJECTED barf[3][4] (78200.9766, 295.0000, 700.0000)->REJECTED barf[3][5] (69455.5469, 313.0000, 700.0000)->REJECTED barf[3][6] (41705.8320, 320.0000, 700.0000)->accepted barf[3][7] (36813.8594, 448.0000, 700.0000)->accepted barf[3][8] (15258.9092, 62.0000, 700.0000)->accepted barf[3][9] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED Final Bandwidth: 5.42640e+04 ase, 0 derived ( 5.076e+04, 5.076e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410208 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430576}134410208 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.174e+04, 5.174e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410208 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430560}134410208 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.236e+04, 5.236e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410208 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430544}134410208 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.475e+04, 5.475e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410208 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430528}134410208 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.724e+04, 5.724e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410208 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430512}134410208 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.774e+04, 5.774e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410208 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430496}134410208 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.826e+04, 5.826e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410208 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430480}134410208 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived set[3] : size 700 set [134410200] has 9 elements logme ( 4.765e+04, 4.765e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410200 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430464}134410200 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.2e+04, 5.2e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410200 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430448}134410200 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.34e+04, 5.34e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410200 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430432}134410200 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.49e+04, 5.49e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410200 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430416}134410200 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.502e+04, 5.502e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410200 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430400}134410200 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.612e+04, 5.612e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410200 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430384}134410200 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.698e+04, 5.698e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410200 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430368}134410200 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.923e+04, 5.923e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410200 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430352}134410200 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 6.719e+04, 6.719e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410200 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430336}134410200 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived set[4] : size 466 set [134410192] has 9 elements logme ( 3.185e+04, 3.185e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410192 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430320}134410192 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.201e+04, 5.201e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410192 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430304}134410192 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.494e+04, 5.494e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410192 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430288}134410192 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.52e+04, 5.52e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410192 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430272}134410192 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.717e+04, 5.717e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410192 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430256}134410192 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.765e+04, 5.765e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410192 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430240}134410192 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.869e+04, 5.869e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410192 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430224}134410192 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.938e+04, 5.938e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410192 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430208}134410192 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 9.398e+04, 9.398e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410192 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430192}134410192 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived set[5] : size 186 set [134410184] has 9 elements logme ( 2.914e+04, 2.914e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410184 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430176}134410184 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 3.197e+04, 3.197e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410184 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430160}134410184 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 4.062e+04, 4.062e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410184 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430144}134410184 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 4.446e+04, 4.446e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410184 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430128}134410184 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 4.485e+04, 4.485e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410184 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430112}134410184 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 6.042e+04, 6.042e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410184 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430096}134410184 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 7.869e+04, 7.869e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410184 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430080}134410184 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 1.577e+05, 1.577e+05 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410184 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430064}134410184 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 4.642e+05, 4.642e+05 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410184 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430048}134410184 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived set[6] : size 124 set [134410176] has 9 elements logme ( 3.208e+04, 3.208e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410176 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430032}134410176 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 3.716e+04, 3.716e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410176 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430016}134410176 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 4.445e+04, 4.445e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410176 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134430000}134410176 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 4.612e+04, 4.612e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410176 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134429984}134410176 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 5.608e+04, 5.608e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410176 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134429968}134410176 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 6.172e+04, 6.172e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410176 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134429952}134410176 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 8.09e+04, 8.09e+04 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410176 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134429936}134410176 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 1.095e+05, 1.095e+05 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410176 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134429920}134410176 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived ( 1.214e+05, 1.214e+05 [1 <0>]) setID: 134410176 1 sets :SetIDList: [{134429904}134410176 : BASE] 1 base, 0 derived Success. One peak found in 7 iterations logmeset [134410168] has 1 elements logme ( 5.459e+04, 5.527e+04 [8 <8>]) setID: 134410152 4 sets :SetIDList: [{134429504}134410216 : BASE] [{134428336}134410208 : BASE] [{134428608}134410200 : BASE] [{134429136}134410192 : BASE] [{134430400}0 : UNK] 4 base, 0 derived **Merged Sets: 7 barf[0][0] (121435.4141, 105.0000, 124.0000)->REJECTED barf[0][1] (109545.3359, 103.0000, 124.0000)->REJECTED barf[0][2] (80895.3438, 104.0000, 124.0000)->REJECTED barf[0][3] (61718.2227, 135.0000, 124.0000)->REJECTED barf[0][4] (56075.4023, 105.0000, 124.0000)->REJECTED barf[0][5] (46117.2539, 103.0000, 124.0000)->accepted barf[0][6] (44448.0391, 104.0000, 124.0000)->accepted barf[0][7] (37155.6133, 102.0000, 124.0000)->accepted barf[0][8] (32084.1035, 103.0000, 124.0000)->accepted barf[0][9] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED barf[1][0] (464169.7188, 110.0000, 186.0000)->REJECTED barf[1][1] (157670.2500, 110.0000, 186.0000)->REJECTED barf[1][2] (78690.4531, 111.0000, 186.0000)->REJECTED barf[1][3] (60423.3008, 103.0000, 186.0000)->REJECTED barf[1][4] (44849.8047, 110.0000, 186.0000)->accepted barf[1][5] (44463.8008, 105.0000, 186.0000)->accepted barf[1][6] (40619.1406, 109.0000, 186.0000)->accepted barf[1][7] (31972.7988, 110.0000, 186.0000)->accepted barf[1][8] (29137.9570, 108.0000, 186.0000)->accepted barf[1][9] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED barf[2][0] (93978.4375, 127.0000, 466.0000)->REJECTED barf[2][1] (59378.0469, 127.0000, 466.0000)->REJECTED barf[2][2] (58685.7305, 128.0000, 466.0000)->REJECTED barf[2][3] (57645.5273, 128.0000, 466.0000)->REJECTED barf[2][4] (57174.1562, 128.0000, 466.0000)->REJECTED barf[2][5] (55197.4219, 123.0000, 466.0000)->REJECTED barf[2][6] (54935.2773, 127.0000, 466.0000)->REJECTED barf[2][7] (52010.2969, 127.0000, 466.0000)->accepted barf[2][8] (31851.9004, 127.0000, 466.0000)->accepted barf[2][9] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED barf[3][0] (67190.0703, 145.0000, 700.0000)->REJECTED barf[3][1] (59233.4492, 144.0000, 700.0000)->REJECTED barf[3][2] (56982.0273, 146.0000, 700.0000)->REJECTED barf[3][3] (56115.1719, 140.0000, 700.0000)->REJECTED barf[3][4] (55016.1797, 145.0000, 700.0000)->REJECTED barf[3][5] (54897.4180, 144.0000, 700.0000)->accepted barf[3][6] (53404.3555, 144.0000, 700.0000)->accepted barf[3][7] (51996.8398, 144.0000, 700.0000)->accepted barf[3][8] (47647.3359, 144.0000, 700.0000)->accepted barf[3][9] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED barf[4][0] (58256.9805, 258.0000, 1750.0000)->REJECTED barf[4][1] (57735.3359, 258.0000, 1750.0000)->REJECTED barf[4][2] (57240.6094, 257.0000, 1750.0000)->REJECTED barf[4][3] (54750.3047, 258.0000, 1750.0000)->accepted barf[4][4] (52355.3867, 258.0000, 1750.0000)->accepted barf[4][5] (51735.1523, 259.0000, 1750.0000)->accepted barf[4][6] (50755.6562, 257.0000, 1750.0000)->accepted barf[4][7] (50353.7070, 266.0000, 1750.0000)->accepted barf[4][8] (49596.6211, 258.0000, 1750.0000)->accepted barf[4][9] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED barf[5][0] (55062.8945, 309.0000, 2626.0000)->REJECTED barf[5][1] (54957.0156, 314.0000, 2626.0000)->REJECTED barf[5][2] (54663.7266, 316.0000, 2626.0000)->accepted barf[5][3] (52085.6875, 314.0000, 2626.0000)->accepted barf[5][4] (51749.0117, 316.0000, 2626.0000)->accepted barf[5][5] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED barf[5][6] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED barf[5][7] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED barf[5][8] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED barf[5][9] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED barf[6][0] (52727.0156, 651.0000, 6566.0000)->accepted barf[6][1] (52653.1523, 649.0000, 6566.0000)->accepted barf[6][2] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED barf[6][3] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED barf[6][4] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED barf[6][5] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED barf[6][6] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED barf[6][7] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED barf[6][8] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED barf[6][9] ( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)->REJECTED Final Bandwidth: 5.49300e+04