Homework #2. Web Hosting using Name-based and IP-based Virtual Hosting, and MS VPC 2004 and User Mode Linux (UML) Virtual Machines.


Assignment Date: 2/8/2005
Due Day: 2/17/2005


For exercises1-2, we will use the MS-VPC2004 based virtual machine fc3cSis in c:\VirtualMachines\lab138\fc3cSis of any PC in EAS138. Each of these PCs has a lable on the top cover with name similar to EN138-11. The last two digits indicate the unique machine in the lab. The following is your designated machine. It tries to use the machine with mod(LastThreeDigits of Your SID, 27) so that we all use different machines. But there are exceptions (those with X mark). Note that you can save the machine status until next Saturady, where a new copy virtual machineswill be distributed and overwrited the existing copy. If you find the machines are being used by other students. You can use EN138-14, 19, 20, 25, and 26. Please do not use the podium machine EN138-27.

Last3digits of SID Machine Assigned Exception
092 EN138-11
099 EN138-18
124 EN138-16
174 EN138-12
229 EN138-13
238 EN138-22
310 EN138-02 X
434 EN138-05 X
480 EN138-21
555 EN138-15
576 EN138-09
611 EN138-03 X
714 EN138-01 X
752 EN138-23
753 EN138-24
779 EN138-06 X
807 EN138-07 X
841 EN138-04
854 EN138-17
915 EN138-08 X
928 EN138-10


Exercise 1. Configure Apache for Name-based and IP-based Web Hosting.

Exercise 2. Configure User Model Linux Virtual Machine for Virtual Hosting.

Exercise 3.

Email me the answers to those questions in Exercise 3 with the urls to the screendumps of those web sites (put them in your web page with CS Unix Machines. Do not send me the big image files as attachment.).

Indicate in your email which machine(s) you run for your hw2 exercises.