CS522 F2004 Homework#4:  Protocol Implementation

Goal: Assignment Date: 11/01/2004
Due Day:11/15/2004

Logistics: To avoid congestion and slow down in machines used in hw4, we divide the machines in to three groups.  You will use one of the groups for your exercise based on the last digit of your SS#.
Last digit of SS# 0, 3, 6, 9 1,4,7 2,5,8
group of machines used for hw4 wetterhorn, shavano, sanluis, redcloud sanluis, redcloud, crestone, blanca crestone, blanca, wetterhorn, shavano

After finished your exercises, make sure you kill all client or server processes.  Use control-c from the terminal window or "kill <processid>".  You can find the process id by typing "ps aux". If we left too many of these processes running, these machines will become unbearably slow.


Exercise 2: Communicate with a Java GUI ABWPlot program

Run ABWPlot and testPlot programs.

Write measure.c program.